Learning / Higher Education
Walla Walla Community College Student Recreation Center
Walla Walla, Washington
2022 Honor Award, AIA Spokane
The new WWCC Student Recreation Center is having a profound impact on the well-being and connection among the student body. A close partnership with the steering committee—including key student representatives—yielded a program that authentically reflects the needs of the campus in support of student fitness, recreation and student life. Major elements of the final building program include: a gym, fitness space for cardio, resistance, and functional fitness equipment, an exercise studio and informal social gathering spaces.
As the first project to be constructed in a highly visible location near the front entry of WWCC’s Main Building, the Student Recreation Center also has a notable impact on the physical environment on campus, celebrating the commitment to student life. The Rec Center was located consistent with campus master planning concepts and created two new open space “quads” on campus. Student circulation and outdoor spaces are key components of site planning for the Rec Center.
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